Monday, February 9, 2009

Personal Reflection 2/9/09 (Miley Cyrus Racist Photo)

Everyday new celebrity gossip is published in tabloids and is available on the internet. My guilty pleasure is this celebrity gossip. I read all the trashy tabloids and view the online opinions about the latest scandals. But when reading this gossip I have to sort out the facts and find the truth in these stories. This week the talk is all about Miley Cyrus, Hannah Montana, being racist against people with Asian ethnicity. Recently, a photo leaked onto the internet of Miley Cyrus and six of her friends posing with a slanted eye gesture.
The OCA (Organization of Chinese Americans) deemed the gesture as offensive and stereotypical. They are demanding a public apology from Cyrus. The OCA has also said the photo encourages and legitimizes the taunting and mocking of people of Asian descent. Cyrus has stated that she intended for no offense to be taken and has apologized if people took the photo out of context, but she has not apologized for actually taking part in the gesture.
I can see how this photo could be interpreted very differently. Some people may look at it and see a group of kids goofing off and making a funny face, and others could see an offensive gesture making fun of an Asian attribute. I believe your opinion on this issue is based upon whether you have ever been the target of a racist action or comment. I have mixed feelings abut the photo; I can see both sides. Maybe she really didn’t mean anything by the gesture, maybe she really was just goofing off, but she should have thought about how other people might perceive the photo. She is a role model for young girls and she has to think about everything she does before she actually does it. She is in the spotlight and should expect to have to live up to a higher standard.

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